Services and Support
Rygiel Supports for Community Living is one of 10 agencies in the Developmental Services sector in Hamilton. Together we attempt to provide a continuum of services to our citizens who live with a developmental disability. Each agency focuses on one or more specific components of the continuum. Rygiel Supports for Community Living’s mandate directs us to support children and adults who have a developmental disability with other multiple handicapping conditions.
Current Service Recipients
Presently, Rygiel Supports for Community Living supports almost 200 individuals by providing full time residential services, respite services and some day supports.
How Is Service Provided?
Our model is a community-based, integrated model. Homes of 2, 3 or 4 full time residents welcome people for respite on a regular basis. Currently, Rygiel supports children and adults who are living in 38 various locations throughout the community. Some small, congregate day supports are provided to other community members at 1 site. Our goal is to help people live fully in their community which includes access to and use of generic amenities and services.
How Can Someone Access Our Service?
An individual (or his/her family) in need of service should make the need known to CONTACT Hamilton at 905-570-8888. An “Intake” is completed and referrals are forwarded to the appropriate agencies.
Respite Services
Rygiel is committed to supporting families and family life. One opportunity to do so is through respite services whereby Rygiel will support for short periods of time the family member who has a disability.
- Fully accessible
- For adults and children
- Group home model – in-home support, individual day respite
- Seasonal respite for children (March break, Christmas, summer)
- Weekend respite, mid-week
- Days/evenings
- Emergency as capacity allows
Day Support
Personal growth and quality of life are enhanced through valued social roles. This is the focus of day support services.
Other Relevant Services
Rygiel Supports for Community Living has a strong commitment to professional development and training. We offer several courses to our staff, many of which are available to community members. For more information about our training programs, contact Human Resources at 905-525-4311, extension 211.
Further service inquiries may be directed to: Robin Brennan, Manager of Community Supports, at 905-525-4311, Ext. 202.
Conflict Resolution
To learn more about our conflict resolution procedure, choose one of the following:
- Conflict Resolution Complaints Procedure for Families
- Conflict Resolution Complaints Procedure for the General Public
- Conflict-Resolution-Complaints-Procedure – French
Contact Us
For more information, email us at
Pour les informations les Services à propos du Développement, contactez ‘Services de l’Ontario pour les personnes ayant une deficience intellectuelle’ à 1-877-376-4674 ou le courier électronique